excel 0x800A03EC 错误一则

关于0x800A03EC 的excel错误已经在网上搜搜刮刮两个礼拜了,但是一直没有头绪,实在不知道当前的错误对应着网上说的哪个类型,而且每个类型的错误解决方法也并不一定都有明确说明,这个让人很头疼。

1. There’s a mis-match between the Office interface language and the Windows Regional language

2. The cell address is invalid for the action you propose

3. Excel is in editing mode and can therefore not accept in-coming commands


  1. foreach (var bEle in bDoc)
  2. {
  3. if (bEle.Value.IsBsonDocument)
  4. {
  5. // BsonElement名
  6. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol] = bEle.Name; // 刚刚进入递归操作Excel就完蛋,问题出在curRow, curCol的数值上
  7. // BsonElement子节点
  8. curCol++;
  9. BsonDocument subBDoc = (BsonDocument)bEle.Value;
  10. this.PrintExcel(ref curWorkSheet, subBDoc, curRow, curCol);
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol] = bEle.Name.ToString();
  15. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol + 1] = bEle.Value.ToString();
  16. //curRow++; //把这两行注释
  17. //curCol–;
  18. curRow = curRow + 2; // 换成其他的cell试试
  19. curCol = curCol + 2;
  20. }
  21. }


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