
ok, have kept sitting still in meditation to search in chaos for a title for today’s blog, but everything results in vain. in the morming since 06:45 3 pages of ANNA KARENINA is past. there is one word need deep excavation.

a signal scarcely perceptible – scarce was actually stemmed from  Latin ‘excerpere’, which implies ‘ex’, out, and ‘cerpere’, to pluck. So in this term, the word scarce means to pick out some amount of stuff form a population, and the amount picked out is always limited, that is to say, things scaece are thing selected.

original citation from etymoline:

from O.N.Fr. scars (O.Fr. eschars) from V.L. *escarpsus, from *excarpere “pluck out,” from L. excerpere “pluck out” (see excerpt). Phrase to make oneself scarce “go away” first attested 1809 in “Gil Blas.” Related: Scarcely.

// ueber mich selbst

ich habe ganz einen muehsam Zeit seite letzten Winter. bin ich ganz muede und einsam. Von zeit zu zeit moechte ich nichts tun, aber nur in die todliche Ruhe beleiben.


Zetistemp: 08:05


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