今天在数据库添加外键的时候,遇到了问题。先创建了两个表  orders 和 order_items  ,存储引擎都是InnoDB,且都有orderid这个属性(类型完全一样)。


alter table order_items

add foreign key (orderid) references orders (orderid);
添加外键的时候 出现了错误

ERROR 1452 : Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails






Since 2 days ago I have been trying to verify the finger print using the tempate restore from the mysql database  but never find out the reason why the verification operation fails. today I must match the stored finger  print temlate and the sampled finger print feature set. After checking out bundles of web site but I found nothing related to the verification failure. BTW I use the free One Touch SDK and URU4500 scanner. Actually I was in deep desperation when none of the web sites explain why the verification fails. I found the finger print template data contains nothing if I use memory stream to rebuild the template, and the memory stream retrieves the data from byte array using Write method.

Under the condition that the memroy stream Write method doesn’t work, I had to try finger print template’s another deserialize method, Deserialize, fortunately, it works.

right index finger print verified

nothing in finger print template if restored from memory stream




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excel 0x800A03EC 错误一则

关于0x800A03EC 的excel错误已经在网上搜搜刮刮两个礼拜了,但是一直没有头绪,实在不知道当前的错误对应着网上说的哪个类型,而且每个类型的错误解决方法也并不一定都有明确说明,这个让人很头疼。

1. There’s a mis-match between the Office interface language and the Windows Regional language

2. The cell address is invalid for the action you propose

3. Excel is in editing mode and can therefore not accept in-coming commands


  1. foreach (var bEle in bDoc)
  2. {
  3. if (bEle.Value.IsBsonDocument)
  4. {
  5. // BsonElement名
  6. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol] = bEle.Name; // 刚刚进入递归操作Excel就完蛋,问题出在curRow, curCol的数值上
  7. // BsonElement子节点
  8. curCol++;
  9. BsonDocument subBDoc = (BsonDocument)bEle.Value;
  10. this.PrintExcel(ref curWorkSheet, subBDoc, curRow, curCol);
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol] = bEle.Name.ToString();
  15. curWorkSheet.Cells[curRow, curCol + 1] = bEle.Value.ToString();
  16. //curRow++; //把这两行注释
  17. //curCol–;
  18. curRow = curRow + 2; // 换成其他的cell试试
  19. curCol = curCol + 2;
  20. }
  21. }


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It’s been couple days, more exactly couple weeks, the mongodb client program prcess could not go further because the sever’s bind_ip parameter was set to the local machine. Through days hunting for the method to reset this parameter, leafing googles, sending group emails, finnally, tonight in the mongodb group on IRC some guy said

use mongod –bind_ip

and he then append

mongod –help

SO, it works, otherwise this blog would not have been released, although the database sever only turns off the bind_ip option when it is started from cmdline, when started as dienst not work, it is somehow progress.

Access the database via normal ip setting