
komm, komm, meine Tastatur, meine Tastatur. Jeden Moment dich zu warten ist so aufregend.

                                TIMESTAMP: 11:09

AHA, hier kommst du!


                                       TIMESTAMP:  12: 31



接着看统计,争取离出点头绪来——二项分布和高斯分布之间有什么关系么?看戈尼克的漫画统计学入门的说法,看起来,是有点,联系的……the cartoon illustrated textbook by Gonik looks pretty simple but is in the fact pretty awesome to understand the subject. It is often hard to remember what a letter is devoted to  in the context. Even the textbook is domenstrated with illustrations and the wording is auch simple enough, it could be still too profond to understand the procedure of  SAMPLING DESIGN and CONFIDENCE INTERVAL, so it would be more motivated to do something else rather than stick to the statistic book – to try the image grabbing program and the packaged software. At first thought that it could be dangerous to install the QUICKCAM GEVon that computer ‘cuase there is already an early version of QUICKCAM running. For this reason piles of mails have been sent to camera merchant to ask wether GEV could be installed on the already early version of QUICKCAM lauched machine. And 20 mins ago, just have tried to install the GEV on that machine, thx goodness, they can, I mean QUICKCAM and QUICKCAM GEV can run parallelly on the same machine and auch the secondary development programs run independently.

// Klag ueber die Statistik

It is really fuzzling,  enigmatic, mysterious, that how could the posibility has a deviation? If, we say,  the watched possibility p^ comes from groups of samplings so that single p^ could deviate, but how can a idealized possibility model have a deviation?

// 夜间


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